Territorial Army: Eligibility, Salary & Historical Background

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

Territorial Army officers abhinav bindra, ms dhoni

Territorial Army (TA) is the second line of defence after the Regular Indian Army. The present role of the Territorial Army is to assist the regular army with static duties and assist the regional strategy in dealing with natural disasters and maintenance of requisite.

Presently, the Territorial Army has approximately 40, 000 active personnel. Aspirants can join the Territorial Army as Officers and Junior Commissioned Officers (JCO). 

The Territorial Army Officers (Non-Departmental) is done for Ex-Servicemen and Civilians. For Civilians, recruitment is done for Territorial Army Officers (Non-Departmental).

What Is Indian Territorial Army? 

The Territorial Army is the Indian Army's reserve army. Civilians who volunteer but are unable to work in the regular Army owing to civil job obligations have chosen for the Territorial Army. The Territorial Army Act of 1948 created the Territorial Army. 

Territorial Actor Mohan Lal holds an honorary membership

They contain battalions from every regiment in the Indian Army, including the Para Battalion. They have taken part in every operation and battle in Independent India.


What are the roles and duties of the Territorial Army?

The Indian Territorial Army (TA) is the country's second line of defense, behind the Regular Army; it is not a profession, occupation, or source of employment. It is exclusively for those who are already employed or self-employed in major civilian professions; in fact, gainful work or self-employment in a civil profession is a requirement for entering the Territorial Army.

The Territorial Army is a branch of the Indian Army. The Territorial Army's current role is to relieve the Regular Army of static duties and to assist the civil administration in dealing with natural disasters and maintaining essential services in situations where the life of the communities is threatened or the country's security is threatened, as well as to provide units for the Regular Army as and when required.

M.S. Dhoni with his collegues in territorial army
Source/ Credit: IndiaTVNews

The Territorial Army has approximately 40,000 first-line troops (and 160,000 second-line troops) made up of departmental Territorial Army units like railway, IOC, ONGC, telecommunication, and General Hospital, as well as non-departmental Territorial Army units like infantry battalions and ecological battalions affiliated with various infantry regiments.

Does a Territorial Army Officer get a salary annually?

Every year, territorial army officers in India are embodied for a two to three month training camp and subsequently disembodied. The people return to their various vocations in the Civil; some are bankers, lawyers, agriculturists, and so on.

The idea behind the aforementioned exercise is that workers receive annual reorientation training so that they may be appropriately hired as and when the demand arises, without having to pay their persistent expense while not embodied, i.e. salary is paid only during the period of embodiment.

The good news for TA candidates is that, because there is a severe scarcity of officers, most officers who volunteer to serve beyond their embodiment time each year are kept. Officers are promoted based on their track record of service and length of active duty.

As a result, TA officers continue to serve and be promoted in the same way as other regular officers do today. The following are the usual embodiment periods: 

  • One month basic training in the first year of commission.
  • Two months annual training camp every year including the first year.
  • Three months Post Commissioning training within the first two years at IMA Dehradun.

The Government of India has provided a wonderful chance to young men who are well established in their professional lives. They may now join the Territorial Army as officers and fulfill their ambition of donning army officer uniforms. The finest part is that you may serve your country in both civilian and military capacities. On top of that, you must lose your primary professional, whether it is an MNC work, a government position, or your own business.

Who is eligible for Indian Territorial Army?

You must be settled and working in one of the above-mentioned professions. The Territorial Army is not for recent graduates or those with only a few years of job experience. To ensure that you pass the Territorial Army Exams, it is best to first establish yourself in your existing career.

Eligibility Details
Age 18-42 Years
Qualification Graduation from Recognised University
Martial Status Unmarried/Married
Likely Dates of SSB May-June and August-September
Traning Academy One Month Training
Duration of Training At Conduct Territorial Army(TA)
Vacancies Per Course Notified by Line Directorate (Twice in A Year)
Tentative Month of Notification Notified by TA Directorate

Also, if you have missed out on regular entries due to the age factor, it doesn’t mean you are perfect for Territorial Army now, you need to fulfil all eligibility requirements first and being gainfully employed will help you to get shortlisted for the next round.
*(Note : Serving Employees of Police/Paramilitary Forces are not eligible.)*

Terms and Conditions of Territorial Army

  1. Like regular entries, TA grants you a commissioned rank of Lieutenant.
  2. Pay and Allowances and privileges will be same as regular Army Officers when embodied for training and military service.
  3. Promotions up to Lt Col by time scale subject to fulfilling laid down criteria. Promotion to Colonel and Brigadier by selection.
  4. Officers commissioned in TA Infantry may be called out for military service for longer duration depending on the requirement.

Training Details 

  1. One month basic training in the first year of commission.
  2. Two months annual training camp every year including the first year.
  3. Three months Post Commissioning training within first two years at IMA Dehradun

Awards and Recognitions

The officer and men of the Territorial Army have been decorated for their gallantry and distinguished services. So for they have earned 02 Ati Vishisht Seva Medal (AVSM), 15 VSM, 05 Vir Chakra, 13 Sena Medal, 25 Mentioned-in-Despatches and 43 COAS commendation card.

Historical Background Of Territorial Army

The Indian Defence Force Act was promulgated in 1917 and it made conscription (compulsory military service) mandatory for all Europeans permanently residing in British India between the ages of 16 and 50.
The Indian Defence Force incorporated the Europeans and Indians in separate sections, i.e. the British and the Indian sections. While Indians joined the force as volunteers, the Europeans were conscripted. The major reason to establish this force was to release regular troops from garrison duties during the First World War.
Later in the year 1920, the Territorial Army was raised by the Britishers. It had two wings, 'The Auxiliary Force' for Europeans & Anglo-Indians and ‘The Indian Territorial Force’ for Indian Volunteers.
Territorial Army Act was passed in 1948 and TA was raised after it was formally inaugurated by the first Indian Governor General Shri C Rajagopalachari on 09 Oct 1949, which is celebrated every year as the Prime Minister's TA Day Parade.
The Territorial Army initially had various types of units such as armoured regiments, infantry battalions, air defence, medical regiments, engineer field park companies, signal regiments, Electronic and Mechanical Engineers (EME) workshops, coast batteries, Army Service Corps GT Coy, ASC Compo Pl, and AMC field ambulances.
By 1972 these units were either disbanded or converted into Regular Army units with the exception of infantry battalions.

Selection Procedure of Territorial Army

Candidates whose application forms are found to be accurate are invited to a Preliminary Interview Board (PIB) by the relevant TA Group Headquarters for screening (Written Exam and Interview).

Successful candidates are next evaluated before a Service Selection Board (SSB), which is identical to the SSB for any other entry. The SSB selection is followed by a Medical Board for ultimate approval.

Syllabus for Exam, No of Questions & Marks

Serial No. Paper Subject No of Questions Marks
1 I Reasoning and elementary Mathematics 50+50 100
2 II General Knowledge and English 50+50 100

Time: Maximum time for each paper is 02 hrs and will be conducted in two sessions from 10:00 hrs to 12:00 hrs and 14:00 hrs to 16:00 hrs.

Type of Exam: Objective (OMR Answer Sheet will be used).

Qualifying Marks: The candidates will have to score a minimum of 40% marks in each paper separately and have an overall average of 50% to qualify.


Penalty for Wrong Answers: There will be a penalty imposed for wrong answers marked by a candidate as under:-

  1. There will be four possible answers to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, half of the mark assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty.
  2. If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct. The penalty will be imposed as above.
  3. There will be no penalty for questions not attempted.
For Ex-Service Officers Only
  • Ex-Service Officers of three services as a candidate should send their application along with enclosures as mentioned in the application form to Addl Directorate General TA, Integrated HQ of MoD (Army), ‘L’ Block, New Delhi-01.
  • The candidates are screened by an Army HQ Selection Board (ASB) held at Addl Dte Gen TA Army HQ, ‘L’ Block, New Delhi which is followed by a Medical Board for successful candidates.

Pay and Allowances

Pay and Allowances and privileges will be the same as for Regular Army Officers when embodied for training and military service. Promotions up to Lt Col by time scale subject to fulfilling laid down criteria. Promotion to Colonel and Brigadier by selection.

Territorial Army Incentives and Service Benefits

  • Promotion to higher as per authorization.
  • Free rations, CSD facilities and medical facilities to self and dependants when embodied for training, military service or when posted on permanent staff.
  • Facilities of leave, leave encashment, accommodation and leave travel concessions when embodied for training, military service or on Permanent Staff.
  • Entitlement to all medals and awards as applicable to the Regular Army.
  • Rank Pay as applicable to Regular Army.
  • DA as applicable during service embodiment.
  • Special increments on completion of 3 to 5 Annual Training Camps.
  • Entitlement to pension for officers with 20 years and JCOs and Other Ranks with 15 years aggregate embodied service (actual physical service).
  • Facilities of Army Welfare Housing Organisation after 10 years of embodied/physical service.
  • Terminal gratuity at the time of discharge/retirement (other than civil Govt employees).
  • Ex-servicemen status and free medical facilities to pensioners.

Certain State Govts and Departments give the following incentives to TA personnel:-

  • Cash award varying from Rs 2500/- to 5000/- by State Govts on the award of TA Decoration/TA Medal.
  • Multi allowance and lump sum Daily allowance by departments like ONGC and IOC.

Territorial Army Service Embodiment

All personnel of infantry and Departmental TA will be called out for service embodiment by the Central Government or the authority empowered by it to do so, on the eve of national Emergency or for Internal Security duties and training exercises. Failure to report for service on such occasions is punishable under the Territorial Army Act 1948.

Territorial Army personnel are entitled to the following benefits from the Defence Estimates during embodiment for training and service embodiment:

  • A goods train manned by TA personnel during 1971 war operating in Eastern Sector.
  • Pay and allowances and Service Benefits – When embodied as applicable to Regular Army.
  • Camp allowance of Rs 10/- per day when attending camps or courses of instruction (For Officers).
  • Increment On completion of 365 days of physical service.
  • Bounty Rs 450/- to Officers Rs 300/- for JCOs and Rs 175/- to Other Ranks of infantry units, on completion of minimum 80% of annual training camp every year.
  • TA Group Insurance benefits to personnel of non-departmental TA units.
  • Terminal gratuity: After completing 5 years of physical service or 10 years of total service to personnel other than civil Govt. employees.
  • Pension: On Completion of 20 years physical service to officers and 15 years to JCOs/OR other than civil Govt. employees.
  • Family/disability Pension is also admissible as applicable to Regular Army.
  • Leave as admissible to Regular Army personnel during an embodiment of service and appointment on permanent instructional staff.
  • Accumulation and encashment of leave accrued during the above period, as per terms and conditions laid down from time to time.
  • Ex-servicemen status to pensioners and disability pension holders and Gallantry award winners.
  • Free Medical treatment to self and dependants in respect of all pension holders.
  • Outfit allowance: @Rs 6000/- at the time of commissioning and after every 7 years of physical service or 10 years of commissioned service to officers, Rs 3200/- to Honorary Commissioned officers and Rs 500/- to JCOs.
  • Medals and Awards as applicable to Regular Army. In addition, TA officers are entitled to TA Decoration on completion of 20 years and JCOs and OR to TA medal on completion of 12 years meritorious service.

Frequently Asked Questions About Territorial Army (FAQ's)

How will the life of a territorial Indian Army officer be?
Life in TA is on similar lines with regular Indian Army officers. They enjoy same pay and allowances as that of a regular serving officers.. TA officers also can become ADCs to President of India and governors just as regular officers.

You can serve as part-time or full time. You will be trained for 3-6 months at IMA Dehradun as a commissioned officer rank of Lieutenant and then assigned to units for orientation training.

Does a territorial army officer in India get a salary annually?
Salary is given only for the period of embodiment that is 02-03 Months a Year.

Is territorial army a full time job?
The Territorial Army is a part-time idea that requires two months of training per year and does not offer a full-time job.

Can I join the Territorial Army and serve full-time?
No. You can not. The basic requirement of TA is that you have to be gainfully employed in civil. TA is not a full-time career. However, it may be possible for you to get embodied every year.

what is territorial army in India?
The Indian Territorial Army (TA) is the Indian Army's second line of defense after the Regular Indian Army; it is not a profession, occupation, or source of employment.

How territorial army works?
Territorial Army is a branch of the Regular Army, and its current role is to relieve the Regular Army of static duties, assist civil administration in dealing with natural disasters, and maintain essential services in situations where community life is jeopardized or the country's security is jeopardized, and to provide units for the Regular Army as and when required.

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