SI Paotinsat Guite: BSF Officer Killed In Action along the LoC in Rajouri

Mandeep Singh Sajwan
SI Paotinsat Guite

A BSF officer was killed in Pak firing along the LoC in Rajouri district on Tuesday morning.

BSF IG NS Jamwal said, “On Tuesday, the Pakistan army restored to unprovoked ceasefire violation in Rajouri sector in which BSF Sub-Inspector Paotinsat Guite, who was deployed at the FDL of BSF, was killed in action while retaliating to the enemy fire and trying to save lives of his colleagues.

SI Paotinsat Guite displayed the highest degree of dedication and devotion to duty and laid down his life on the line of duty.”

Jamwal added that BSF retaliated strongly and effectively on the Pak army posts. The mortal remains of the officer will be sent to Imphal and then to his native place Maphoukuki Post-Lamlong in Manipur, where the last rites will be performed with full state honours.

“In this hour of grief, BSF stands in solidarity with the bereaved family,” the IG said.


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