Social distancing: How Indian Forces are disposing off terrorists with quiet funerals

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

The coronavirus spread has not stopped the Indian Army in gunning down Pakistan sponsored terrorists. While terrorists still operate within the Valley, the safety forces are successful in gunning down several of them within the past few weeks.

However, the matter that the safety agencies have faced within the past is that the crowding at terrorist funerals. During those times, it caused a security problem and today there's another problem of coronavirus, which needs social distancing.

Jammu and Kashmir too has been hit by the pandemic and therefore the administration has been advising social distancing. it had been only recently following the killing of a terrorist in Sopore that enormous crowds turned up at his funeral.

However, the safety forces have now shifted their strategy and have successfully ensured quiet funerals for these terrorists. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, 16 terrorists are killed in Jammu and Kashmir. This week, the authorities managed to bury four terrorists quietly at Ganderbal.

They were killed during a gunfight in Shopian in South Kashmir. On April 17, two terrorists were killed in an encounter at Shopian. the 2 who were killed were quietly buried at Baramulla in north Kashmir an equivalent day in any case formalities were completed.

 In both these cases, the police said that the terrorists weren't identified. However, within the Shopian case, the families claimed that the 2 terrorists were their sons.

They need now approached the District Magistrate demanding that the bodies are handed over. this is often a transparent message that the forces and therefore the authorities are sending bent make sure that these terrorists aren't buried within the presence of huge crowds.

 Large crowds gathering especially during a situation like this is often nothing but a nightmare. First and foremost it's a security issue and secondly, all efforts being made by the administration to curb the spread of the pandemic are going to be lost, a politician informed OneIndia. within the previous funerals, crowds had gathered in Kulgam.

The police had a troublesome time in controlling the crowds. Following this, an FIR was filed and 100 persons were arrested. the days are challenging. We are already within the midst of a fight against the pandemic and hence such steps had to be taken to make sure that terrorists are buried off quietly.

Since the outbreak of the virus, 16 terrorists are killed of which the bodies of only five are handed over to the families.

The families need to undertake that the funerals are going to be held quietly and if found violating an equivalent , stringent action would follow. The officer cited above said that they're following an equivalent norm that's wiped out the case of foreign terrorists.

All foreign terrorists are given quiet funerals to make sure that there are not any huge crowds and that they don't find yourself becoming heroes, the officer also said.

[source: OneIndia]

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