India China Border Tension: China's deepest plans behind border dispute, India not to hesitate in retaliation

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

India China Border Tension: Today, when the whole world is surrounded by a serious humanitarian crisis, it is not very difficult to know what china's power politics can mean. There are many reasons why apprehensive China is carrying out such movements which India cannot tolerate. If China's intentions are examined, there are many reasons.

India's infrastructural activities with LAC: 

The immediate reason for China's intellectualism is the infrastructure development activities being undertaken by India with the LAC (Line of Mutual Control) after the Doklam crisis, which China objected to. It may be recalled that China has objected to the bridge being constructed by India near lac in Ladakh. While China has insisted on building bunkers, the LAC is located and India has almost completed the construction of a 235 km long road of super strategic importance from the Shiyok River to Daulat Beg Oldi.

It may be noted that The Daulat Beg is near the Aksai Chin area of the Oldi Depsang Plateau. India has already landed cargo C 130 and C 17 ships at the airbase built here. China is fearing the loss of its jurisdiction over disputed areas.

The sensitivity with which the Government of India, especially the Defence Ministry, has taken this construction work of the border road as a priority, has made China somewhere frustrated.

India's strategy to show activity in the construction of bridges, airstrips at strategic sites and to intensify patrolling on the Indo-China border surveillance has compelled China to come into unilateral outrage.

China believes that this is changing the status quo by India in the region, but the reason for the dispute in the region is the insistence of changing the map of China's Himalayan region.

During the Doklam crisis, the Tibetan exiled government's prime minister, Lobsang Sange, considered China's non-official policy five finger policy as the main reason for China's expansionist policy. Under this policy, China has been of the view that Tibet is its palm and parts of Arunachal Pradesh, Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal and Ladakh have five fingers, five fingers.

Therefore, his desire to occupy these areas is not new. Under the same policy, he attacked India in 1962 and also captured his Aksai Chin area. Recently, China was the biggest injury when Last year India declared Ladakh as a union territory under the Jammu and Kashmir State Reorganisation Act. This has directly led to the monitoring of the central government.

China had also expressed serious objection to it. After the Doklam case, in 2018, India inaugurated the Strategic Pakyong Airport located just 60 kms away from the Indo-China border in Sikkim. In January 2019, the Indian Air Force took off its largest aircraft an-32 and surprised China by giving a big message of its security arrangements. China has already built a road in the Chumbi Valley area, which it is trying to expand further.

The road is a little farther from India's Siliguri corridor or chicken noble area. That is why there is often a confrontation between the Indian troops and the Chinese army. The PLA Jawans were stopped by the Indian Army from doing construction work in the disputed area in the year 2017.

To counterbalance China on the LAC, the Indian Army started the work of three new roads in collaboration with the Border Road organisation after the Doklam case.

Situation spawned by epidemic politics:

 The global influence and domination of all major powers are at stake in the power that politics has created from the politicization of the Corona virus disaster. The US is also seeing the disaster as an opportunity and China too.

The weakness of the US and European countries, the biggest victim of the 2008 recession, has increased China's global super power in the past decade. Now that the United States is trying to isolate China in the world on the pretext of Kovid, China has never been able to include different countries in its group through the politics of temptation.

The power of these two big superpowers remains the focal point of politics. That is why the US president also tried to show the excuse of the intention of taking the initiative to mediate between India and China that he stands with India and is still a decisive country to maintain peace and security in the world.

China does not want India to join the anti-China faction openly. That is why, through the Wuhan and Chennai meeting after the Doklam crisis, China first took the initiative to improve relations with India, but in the recent alliance with China's role in Kovid, When India participated against China, China began to change its policy. Now he is encircling India on one side on the pretext of Pakistan and Nepal, on the other hand, trying to make a psychological edge over India by raising the unresolved border dispute.

China's leadership ambition to establish unipolar Asia: Chinese President Xi Jinping wants to make the 21st century as the Asian century on the notion of an Asian dream. Through this, the establishment of a polar Asia led by China is a great ambition. In this direction, China considers India as its major rival in Asia. That is why, for the last few years, he has been trying to have a strategic siege of India.

For this, he is trying to make his lead through checkbook diplomacy in India's neighbouring countries so that India's influence is reduced in its own territory and anti-India sentiments in India's neighbours can be strengthened. On the other hand, he wants to keep India in the border dispute. He knows that this is the weak pulse of India.

Even China's official media agency, the Global Times, often chuckles at its articles that India has not been able to get out psychologically from the debacle of 1962.

China feels that India can be confused in the politics of South Asia through this barginning politics and pressure tactics. In this direction, China was still encircling India through the forest Belt One road in the Indian Ocean region, which was also called the string of Pearl policy, but for some time, India has again firmly accumulated its feet on its slippery land.

China is now trying to surround India with hilly areas bordering its border. To give an effective look to its policy, it has intensified activities in the border areas with India.

Strengthening the One China Policy: 

China is prejudiced by its past. In the 19th century, the way China succumbed to colonial powers has been deeply integrated into Chinese public opinion. Chining knows that if the communist government in China is to be strengthened, it is necessary to incite violent nationalist sentiments. China does not want to compromise with its one China policy.

It's dilemma is that Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet have become the biggest test of his policy. Meanwhile, the participation of two Indian Parliamentarians in the president's swearing-in event in Taiwan has also prompted China to take an aggressive stand against India so that India cannot go to such anti-China fora in future.

India will not hesitate to retaliate: The way India has tied up with global powers against China is the result that China has now started speaking the language of the agreement after receiving a strong message from India.

Chinese Ambassador to India Sun Wedong has said that India and China are not a threat to each other but opportunities. Bilateral cooperation should not allow the shadow of differences between the two countries.

 In this order, the meeting on the issue of infiltration in Ladakh with the Indian Prime Minister, Defence Minister, National Security Advisor, Chief of Defence Staff and chief of the three services has concluded that China's strategy to pressurize the military force will be thwarted.

Despite China's objection, roads and other construction work in the border areas will be continued as it is a matter of India's territorial integrity and sovereignty. Meanwhile, India has also made it clear that it will not hesitate to take appropriate counter-measures in the event of any conflict against China.

 India has been able to give a message to China that it does not understand India of 1962. His soft power does not understand his weakness at all, as India will no longer hesitate to use hard power to maintain territorial integrity.

While China is still in a position to lead in many areas from India because of its deep pocket and sly politics, China also understands that as India's economy strengthens, China's influences will also be as well.

 Therefore, India needs a special foreign policy and domestic policy that can lead to the emergence of a self-reliant, strong and capable of playing a constructive role in the world.

For the past few days, the Himalayan hilly region has become a hot spot of geo-strategic politics. There was a clash between Indian and Chinese troops in Ladakh on May 5 and again on May 9 in the Nakula sector of Sikkim.

 A serious military conflict like the Doklam crisis is showing a looming. In fact, the immediate reason for China's intellectualism is the infrastructure development activities being carried out by India near the LAC (LINE of actual control) on which China objected.

[International Affairs Expert]

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