India And Sri Lanka Agree To Jointly Work Against Terror Groups, Fugitives

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

Sri Lanka Special Forces
India And Sri Lanka Agree To Jointly Work Against Terror Groups, Fugitives

India and Sri Lanka on Thursday agreed to work jointly against terrorist groups and fugitives wherever they are present and active and emphasised sharing real-time intelligence.

In the first delegation-level virtual police chiefs' dialogue, India and Sri Lanka also decided to strengthen the existing cooperation mechanisms, as also designate "nodal points" for timely and effective handling of existing as well as emerging security challenges.

The Indian delegation was led by the Director of Intelligence Bureau Arvind Kumar and the Sri Lankan team was led by C D Wickramaratne, Inspector General of Police.

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Both sides agreed to work jointly against the terrorist entities including the global terrorist groups and fugitives, wherever they are present and active, a home ministry statement said.

While appreciating each other's ongoing action against drug traffickers and other organised criminals exploiting the narrow sea route between the two countries, the two sides emphasised the need for sharing real-time intelligence and feedback.

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The institution of police chiefs' dialogue, assisted by the members of other security agencies on both sides, will further enhance the existing cooperation between the police forces of both countries, the statement said.

The first delegation-level virtual meeting was held in an environment of positivity and trust, it added.


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