The Himachal Pradesh Police has recommended restricting the entry of army and civilian trucks carrying arms, ammunition, and explosives through…
India has denied assertions by Imran Khan's top security adviser, Moeed W Yusuf, suggesting that…
Sessions organised during the programme focussed on areas related to strengthening India’s border security. (…
Trade visitors are seen walking over a road crossing covered with Lockheed Martin branding at Farnborough International Airshow.(File Photo /…
India and France have strengthened their bilateral relationship with convergence in the…
India has started signing a slew of projects with the Maldives under…
China’s next steps will be watched closely to decide on the future…
Russian S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile systems roll during a dress rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade in Red Square in Moscow, Russia, Friday, May…
Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Odio ac neque fermentum morbi. Aenean…
Where geopolitical tensions and border disputes continue to exist around India, it…
SourceA host of issues under the Indus Waters Treaty, including Pakistan's objections…
File Photo of Parliament Building Image credit: PTI via India TodayNew Delhi: A…
The authorities stated that the National InvestigationAgency (NIA) arrested a Lashker-e-Mustafa (LeM)…
The Indian Army will soon receive ‘made-in-India’ ‘Kalyani M4’ armored vehicles. Global…
NEW DELHI: India is perhaps facing the biggest humanitarian challenge after the…
The feat is a technological breakthrough in ASW, Rajnath Singh said (Representational…
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