The Himachal Pradesh Police has recommended restricting the entry of army and civilian trucks carrying arms, ammunition, and explosives through the strategic Atal Tunnel across the Rohtang Pass. This tunnel ensures all-weather connectivity to the border district of Lahaul-Spiti.
A committee, led by Inspector General of Police Daljit Singh Thakur, has proposed various security measures, including the prohibition of vehicles carrying explosives from using the 9.02-km tunnel.
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The committee’s recommendations also include the establishment of two new police stations and the installation of multipurpose barriers at strategic locations.
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The committee, comprising police officials and an intelligence bureau representative, studied security practices in other tunnels globally, including those in the Swiss Alps, China, Japan, and Pakistan, to formulate comprehensive security measures for the Atal Tunnel.
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Located 25km from Manali at an altitude of 3,060 meters, the Atal Tunnel is crucial from a defense perspective and was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on October 3. Built by the Border Roads Organisation at Rs 3,300 crore, the tunnel overcame geological challenges to provide vital connectivity to the region.
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